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Life Insurance with Health Conditions

Insurers want to offer cover & a health condition is not the blocker it used to be
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Can I get cover with a health condition?

Gone are the days when a long-time health condition ruled you out of life insurance. So, if you have health challenges, we want to hear from you. We want to help you protect the life you love.

LifeSearch works with a range of insurers to help find the right cover to meet your needs.

Why LifeSearch?

Since 1998 we’ve helped over 1.8m individuals protect themselves and their loved ones. We’re rated 4.9/5 from over 21,000 Trustpilot reviews, written by customers just like you.

As an independent intermediary, our loyalty is to you – not the insurer, not a product. It’s our job to build the right protection around you and the things that matter.

Ask LifeSearch

Getting quotes directly when you have a health condition can be confusing.

That’s where LifeSearch help. We work with insurers of all kinds: mainstream and specialist, big and small.

So, tell us what’s going on with you, and we’ll do our best to get the right cover for your needs.

What life insurance products are open to me?

The easiest answer is that no doors are closed.

Your chances of securing a specific life insurance policy depend on the nature and severity of your condition, how it impacts you, and how your general health is as well as your occupation and hobbies. It’s always worth making a phone call to discuss your options.

Do insurers want to cover people like me?

In a word, yes. Every year life insurers are challenged by the industry’s governing bodies to increase coverage across the board, especially for individuals and families who have previously been excluded or rejected, or who have otherwise complex needs.

Questions you’ll be asked

To determine whether life insurance is possible, as well as your options and quote, we’ll need to know the nature and severity of your health condition.

When applying you’ll be asked for more information about your health condition, which may include:

  • What is your condition?
  • How long have you had it?
  • How frequently it occurs
  • How well managed is it?
  • What treatment / medicine do you receive?
  • How does it impact your day-to-day?
  • How is your general health?

Will my price be higher than average?

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This depends on your condition and its severity. If you have asthma but it’s well-managed, and you’re in good shape generally, then it’s possible you’ll be offered cover on normal terms.

With diabetes, there are specialist insurers whose business is insuring those with the condition. It may carry extra cost – it depends how well-managed it is – but cover today is easier, fairer and more comprehensive than ever before.

If you’ve a serious condition, HIV for example, it’s unlikely you’ll land life insurance cover at standard terms but there could be insurers who’ll still offer cover.

Your condition

Once you have completed the application process, the insurer may need to speak to you about your health, could request medical information from your GP or other health practitioners to access all the required medical information.

We may have follow up questions so we can draw an accurate picture of your health, and identify the most relevant providers, policies and options for you.

For more information speak with a LifeSearch adviser

There are many ifs, buts and maybes here so the quickest way to understand your life insurance prospects is to call LifeSearch and get into specifics.

From there, an adviser can tell you exactly what’s possible, where, and how much, from the insurers we work with.

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