In the majority of situations, putting your Life Insurance policy in Trust will help
Put your policy in trust via our partners at Genie Connect, courtesy of LifeSearch
There’s no charge but many advantages.
Genie Connect will help you to put your policy into Trust. You can even choose how.
You can do it yourself via a straightforward online process or, with help from one of the Genie Connect team.
A Trust will ensure that a pay-out will go to the right people, straight away, or at the right time.
- Say who is to receive a pay-out
- How much and when they should receive it
- Money should be paid over without legal delays or fees (no probate)
- Inheritance tax could be avoided*
- Money does not need to be used to repay debts
It’s almost always a good idea to put your life insurance in to trust, and those you want to leave things to will thank you for it. If you want to make sure a Trust is right for you before getting started, check out Trust FAQs or contact our partners at Genie Connect.
*Tax rules are subject to change.
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New and existing LifeSearch customers can access this free service.To find out more or to get started, please choose the drop-down option that best describes you:
If we have already provided you with a Life Insurance quote and you want more information on Trusts, our advisers can tell you more when we set your Policy up.
Even if you took a Policy out some time ago, you could still place this into Trust with our partners at Genie Connect for free. Just call LifeSearch first on 01908 759 193 and we will locate your Policy details to begin to set up your Trust.

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4 min readTrusts are a legal arrangement that allow you to leave assets to relatives, friends or anyone else you pick to be your beneficiaries. You choose trustees to manage your trust until it pays out – these are normally family members, friends, or a legal professional – which normally happens upon your death, or a later date such as when a child turns 18. Your life insurance policy can be written into trust. One of the main benefits of doing this is that the value of your policy is generally not considered part of your estate.
There are many reasons why putting life insurance in trust is a good option.
1 - Your beneficiaries can get faster access to your money – without a trust, when you die your beneficiaries might need to obtain probate, which can cause delays. With a trust in place, your loved ones could receive the inheritance within weeks of the death certificate being issued.
2 - It gives you greater control over your assets – if you don’t have a trust, your money might be used to pay off outstanding debts before any left overs reach your loved ones. Putting life insurance in trust allows you to decide who to appoint as your beneficiaries and trustees, ensuring the proceeds of your policy go directly to them and not your estate. Setting up a trust is especially important if you’re not married or in a civil partnership, otherwise your assets may not automatically transfer to your intended recipient.
3 - It might allow you to protect your beneficiaries from Inheritance Tax – writing your life insurance policy into trust means the money paid out from your policy should not be considered part of your estate. There are some exceptions; for example, you may be liable for an Inheritance Tax charge on the value of the property on each ten-year anniversary. Currently, the standard Inheritance Tax rate is 40%, which is charged on the part of your estate above the £325,000 threshold.
Settlor – This is the policy owner, usually the life assured, and the person who is responsible for paying the monthly premiums.
Trustee – You appoint a trustee or trustees to oversee the trust (we recommend appointing at least two trustees). These could be trusted family members, friends or perhaps a solicitor. The trustees role is to ensure that the assets contained within the trust go to your named beneficiaries/automatic beneficiaries and is shared in the way you had intended.
Beneficiaries – These are the people who will ultimately benefit from your policy pay out and receive the funds. Some trusts have automatic beneficiaries – spouses, children, grandchildren etc, and others have named beneficiaries where you specifically name the people you want to benefit.
Once your trust is set up, your trustees legally own the policy and must keep the trust deed safe – they can ask a solicitor to store the documents, or find a safe place in their home. Your trustees will ultimately make a claim to your insurer when you pass away, so they will need the trust deed close to hand. It’s worth remembering that as the settlor, you maintain responsibility for making sure your life insurance premiums are paid. It may be beneficial to hire a legal adviser to ensure the legal wording of your trust agreement appropriate for your needs.
Our Partners at Genie Connect will work with you to help you remove or change a Trustee, if this is your wish.
Trusts are most commonly used for Term and Whole of Life policies. If the policy is arranged on a joint life basis, a trust is only required if the intended beneficiary is not the other policy owner.
Policies that include Critical Illness cover along with Life insurance can also be placed under trust, ensuring that any Critical Illness payments are paid to the policy owner in the event of illness, but paid to the trust in the event of death.
Income Protection policies are not placed under trust as they pay out in the event of ill health to replace your income.
Business Protection policies – your adviser will confirm which policies require a trust, but in many cases a trust will be required for business protection policies to ensure that the proceeds of any policy arranged go to the correct beneficiaries.
Once you have placed your policy into trust, you hand legal ownership of your policy over to your trustees.
Once you’ve put a policy in trust, it normally can’t be taken out of trust again.